
What’s this all about?

We’re building services that help people navigate the death of someone close to them. This site covers our broad approach.

It’s for:

  • us – the digital.nsw accelerator teams working on services that deal with death and dying
  • other product teams working on services that deal with death and dying
  • people who are interested in our approach

Our approach involves researching, building, and testing services with people, and we want to share what we’ve learned.

A lot of what we’re learning is about:

  • what people want to know about
  • what people don’t know about
  • how people prefer content to be written

It’s a complex area, and we know that no approach will work for everyone.

Why is this a site?

We want to be able to share our approach openly. We’re committed to making this work as best it can, and we’d ideally like it to help other people providing information to people in the same situation.

A live link is simply easier than shared documents.

If you’re worried that this is wasteful, don’t be. It’s really just a collection of .docs cobbled together neatly through an (excellent) prototyping kit.